We are back to the States! Where in the States you may wonder? Well maybe this will clue you in. We are back home in California.
Just when you thought I was done blogging I fooled you. I'm going to try to keep it up for as long as I can. This is much more fun than the discussion postings I have to do for grad school. My travel companion and I drove up to SF for the day.
We were excited to visit the Renegade Craft Fair at Fort Mason. We headed up there last year and loved checking out all the cool and sometimes weird items made by vendors. If there is one in your area, you should really check it out.
Outside the Fort Mason building there were these cool wind spinners that would pop up with the wind and twirl down when there wasn't any wind. Pretty cool idea along the windy coast.
Boats in the harbor by the bay.
Crazy big succulents.
Super foggy today. You can hardly see the top of the Golden Gate Bridge.
The city covered in fog.
Always lovin' the cable cars.
After our trip to the Renegade Craft Fair we went to two of my other favorites, Sports Basement and IKEA. I know, Jeremy finally let me go in after dashing my hopes of entering an IKEA in Europe.
At night we headed to a Texas Hold'em Poker Night as part of the school auction. I want to state the fact that I've never played Poker or even really watched Poker at all before. I went hoping not to make a fool of myself and get out first. Thankfully I started at a beginner table and had an amazing dealer give me a few tips to start me out. At the end of the night I was at the last table, not quite sure how I got there.

In the end I got third place! I went home with a trophy and won a bit of money as well. Don't worry, I'm not going to Las Vegas anytime soon.
Have a great week!