Greetings friends.
I know I haven't been around here in a while (an absence I can't -but would really like to- blame on the potentially catastrophic changes Disney might be thrusting upon one of Disneyland's signature rides), but this is something I am hoping to remedy in the coming weeks.
While you all wait eagerly on your seat edges, here's a fun new website for you all.
Our TOTALLY AWESOME Collection of DVDs
This is a cool feature of a software program I have on my computer.
So I put in all the DVDs we own (with the help of and I can create this nifty website so that our friends and family can check it out and maybe see something they would like to watch.
Then the person (or persons) asks my wife or me if he/she (they) could borrow the movie.
Then I make a note in my computer who borrowed the movie and when and the program sends both of us an email reminder after a set number of days.
Pretty cool, eh?
Anyhoo, check it out, let me know what you think.
13 years ago