Saturday, August 25, 2007

first it goes

hello everyone. i'm trying this blog thing out for the first time...and will be keeping it short and sweet. first of all we are really enjoying life in san jose-we just got back from a staff/school board social and had a really good time hanging out with a whole bunch of really cool people. second of all-i am getting a bit nervous about the amount of time (or lack of time) before school starts!!! prayers would be appreciated! thirdly, i really am enjoying my new macbook-provided by sjcs (san jose christian school). to give you a preview of what is to come(video chats with me if you like) i am including a picture of us in our apartment. have a great weekend! adios
[ps there will be even better pictures later-it's kinda late and we are tired :)]


Anonymous said...

Was this taken with your iSight camera? =)

jackie said...

yes it was taken with my iSight camera :)