Monday, September 03, 2007

an incredible journey pt.2

well, we've returned from the fun and frivolity of the state fair (which deserves a post in-and-of itself), and now it's time to get back to business.
So, here we go.


On the open road.
(I don't like this picture very much...but it's all we have in MI)

Our first rest stop.
Notice how Jackie still looks so vibrant and full of life.

There was a slow-down just before we passed this mess.
I'm not sure why exactly, I got a pretty good look at it.

Not even out of Illinois and we see signs leading us back to our friends in MI.

This one pretty much speaks for itself.

Just when we thought the tears were dry...our second rest stop...I think...

I like to call this one - The Custard Station.
I found this "hatch" right outside of a Culver's.

This is the best we could do for Nebraska(which is actually better than I thought).
It's hard taking a picture as you drive into the setting sun.

This is Jackie Outside of the KING KONG Burger.
We didn't eat here, but we thought the ceramic monkeys were ridiculous.

Well, that's about it for day one.
Day two coming soon.
And the review will be up as soon as I finish the second book and write the review.


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