Monday, April 14, 2008

watch out for the silverback

about a month ago my class went to the san francisco zoo. i have yet to do a post about it, so here it is. we had a fun time touring the zoo with our docent and really enjoyed the many things we were able to do and see. you can get closer to any animal than i ever have before at a zoo. it was very cool. here are some of the pictures from our field trip.
listening to the docent as well as telling her about the tiger attack that happened at the zoo over christmas. she was very aware of it and very sorry it happened.
checking out the giraffes and a few other animals

my what a long tongue you have there!
let me introduce you to the silverback...a very protective male gorilla. don't mess with him.
this is his "i'm going to come and lunge my body at the protective window and scare all the children" pose. let's just say the kids were a bit nervous after that. have no fear, all my students were safe and remained quite calm. i on the other hand was hysterical and worried that the kids would be freaking out.
getting closer to the flamingos than i ever have before. this is the only bird that i like. all other birds disgust me to no end and freak me out. just ask the parents on the trip about my love of seagulls.

oh yes-this is a grizzly bear. it was very cool to see behind the glass.

some of my munchins-they are looking into the sun a bit which is why they are so squinty.
a polar bear in california. this guy has quite the life :)more of my students at the exit.


Unknown said...

That sounds like a lot of fun at the zoo. I was secretly hoping that your kids would have taunted the zoo animals and then when they got out were chased, but I am sure they regulate that pretty good now.

Nellie said...

Just wanted to let you know that I have tagged you with a meme. Maybe after school is done, you will have a chance to look at it!