Saturday, January 02, 2010

01.02.2010 (it's a palindrome)

Ok so it's been awhile since my last blog posting. My fault, my bad, my apologies. I plan on blogging more regularly...starting tomorrow. Yesterday after our flight back to SJ we watched an amazing Buckeye victory in the Rose Bowl with our awesome friends and some good food. Today is Jeremy's 27th birthday and we are enjoying our time back in warmer weather (wearing flip flops again) after our fantastic Christmas vacation in the snowy midwest. Sleeping in, breakfast at noon at Bill's Cafe, a movie in the afternoon, and now dinner at Pasta Pomodoro. Happy Birthday Jeremy! Here's to another amazing year together :).

1 comment:

Kersten Hamilton said...

Hey, Jeremy! Where are you? I tried to email you and it bounced right back!

The Game is Afoot, and I need your help.

Kersten Hamilton